Good & Bad Carpet

Good and Bad

World in addiction and Diseases (Bad Side)

Good & Bad Carpet (Bad Side)
Good & Bad Carpet (Bad Side)

The main characteristics of addiction and various diseases and the symbols of death, health and pleasance is skillfully manifested in this side and any individual will be affected by seeing and recalling it because no positive gains for human being and environment by such factors. There are only burden, isolation and harm to society and environment for humanity. What is the product of narcotic substances? What are the outputs of addicts? Furthermore, what benefit society receives from ill and disabled individuals? What are the treatments for those people? Is it not that a large amount of facilities must be mobilized to treat patients and addicts? And healthy people who are assigned to do this task appear sometimes winner and sometimes looser that cause losses of precious time and facilities and many forces are kept away from the construction goals. It is much wiser to mobilize those facilities and potential forces to prevent those harmful factors and sport is one of the most positive and cost saving ways. Sports both prevents evil and physical, mental and social corruptions, and creator of joy, freshness and livelihood as those factors are among the most positive aspects and the most suitable tools of growth and flourishing of human societies. Because healthy mind dwells in healthy body. As the poet says, by power, man becomes righteous and by laziness, there will be bias and loss. The other factor is that each society becomes stressful by having addicts. They make people anxious and stressful with fears of contagious diseases. These factors help in moral fall and collapse in the society. The ominous phenomena of addiction to narcotic drugs, no matter from what way and by whom it is started or flamed is the ugliest and most harmful phenomena that could not be prevented by force and being soft and compromise is not preventive either. It is only and only by sports that an individual would be directed to light, passion and joy. One can shoot three birds with only one shot at the same time; first, people are prevented from turning to narcotics; second, the loss of sources, times and energies for treating, detaining and keeping the addicts are prevented and those forces could be used in positive ways; and the third sign, which has a greater goal than t he first two is the freshness, passion and sense of happiness in people of the society which are gained by being engaged in sports…if one think deeper into the matter, there is or will be a fourth goal too which is preventing various diseases.


World in freshness and health (The Good Side)

Good & Bad Carpet (Good Side)
Good & Bad Carpet (Good Side)

In this side, all symbolic sports motions that are approved by the international Olympic Committee are used that need no explanations. Because more or less, all people recognize those symbols and by a glance in both sides of the carpet and a little contemplation, the viewer soon infers the artist’s words…however, the Olympic flag with the positive and negative gatherings around it, and the five-petal white flower below it, and the field running motion, and the quality of combining colors that cover the main philosophy of this side are the words that must be heard from the designer and weave himself.

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