Messenger of Peace Carpet

Messenger of peace

1- Dimensions: 100 x 98 cm

Messenger of Peace Carpet Side A
Messenger of Peace Carpet Side A

2- Consumed materials in whoop and warp, one hundred percent silk, first class wool hair fiber
3- Number of colors: Forty one colors
4- Number of knots; one million in each side
5- Margins and chess pieces imply inviting all thoughts to compete in line with developing thought in the framework of sports competitions.
6- Thirty two white pigeons woven in embossed form and the olive branches in their pecks, they symbolize thirty two countries that are flying as peace messengers to France and Eiffel Tower as the symbol of that country.
7- The logo of the World Cup France 1998 on top of carpet and, the championship cup and the five question marks that are woven in five colors symbolize the five contents that their people ask which country is to be the winner of championship cup are shown in the other side.
8- There are ninety eight stars with positive weave inside around the three figures show that year 1998 was a positive, full of stars, fruitful and hopeful year for France, FIFA and Football and this sport event could be used in achieving global peace.
9- In this side, the carpet looks unfinished and the reason is that the Football Cup in France and its logo have finished but the football world cups are have not come to their end and there will be next cups with other logos and hosts and Korea and Japan will be next hosts in 2002.
10- The flags of Korea and Japan with World Cup 2002 logo on the upper margin of the carpet are welcoming the world for appearing in that cup and provide grounds for healthy competitions of countries that will be going to the competitions.

The other side of the carpet

Messenger of Peace Carpet Side B
Messenger of Peace Carpet Side B

1- The chess shape margins symbolize the preparation and potential for having healthy and constructive sports competitions.
2- The thirty two chess pieces symbolize thirty two countries that will have healthy competitions like chess piece, with respect to the suitable condition that has been prepared in France.
3- The thirty two trees woven in ever green and embossed form below symbolize that the countries that ascend to France World Cup for football matches, each has planted one tree in the name and for the intention of peace and friendship and will do their efforts for the growth and fruitfulness of that tree.
4- The circle which is shown in the center of football field as a big ball with five smaller balls in the same colors of Olympic rings symbolizes that the sum of talents and abilities of the football of five continents are gathered for showing a glorious play.
5- The geographic map of France is noticeable in the center of carpet with an innovative and artistic design with circles and overall and colorful waves that are the message and goals of sport and Olympic, calling the world to peace and maintaining and expanding environment.
6- In the margins, there are the flags of thirty countries from thirty two countries woven with the name of countries below with full delicacy. In addition, the name of continents and the number of teams that participate in the cup 1998 are woven for the registry and being remembered in the history.
7- The directions of balls to the Olympic flag which are blown by the roosters as symbol of 1998 Cup show the goal-orientation of the world cup.
8- The France and Brazil flags are woven on top because the two countries, in addition to receiving the first and second ranks, are famous as one is the champion of the last four years and the other is the host of Cup 1998.
9- The Olympic flag with the gatherings around it invites the world to practice and act according to the goals and charters of Olympics and keep the negative aspects detained in the five continents and entangle them, and to free the positives and expand them to make reaching global peace possible.
10- The four stars that lit in the four corners of Olympic flag show that football sport reaches its beak of luminance once in four years.
11- The writing on top of the carpet asks the world’s help to step towards peace and interests of humanity hands in hands.
12- The four white embossed woven pigeons that are flying in sky in FIFA name indicate that the football federation (FIFA) always keeps this sport, football, on beak with its management for the progress of the charter and goals of Olympic.
13- The two comets that are moving fast towards Olympic flag show that all paths of sports and athletes no matter what form they are, end to Olympic.
14- The white five-petal flower below Olympic flag indicate having hopes to peace establishment in the five continents.
15- This unique work show that as the late Baron Pier D’ Coubertin, the founder of new Olympic made the Olympic charter global, France; too, by using the sports event and holding it, move towards that goal and keeps it alive for eternity.
16- In a general sum up, one may conclude from this reversible carpet that FIFA, football and football player, and in general, athletes, without having any claims, are with no doubt the greatest pioneers in achieving global peace and the designer and weaver artist has pictured it by philosophical combination of the colors.

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