FAJR Carpet


The carpet plan side:

FAJR Carpet (Plan Side)
FAJR Carpet (Plan Side)

1- Four different margins were chosen for by the composition of the central Citron in the plan, it would infer that the carpet figures from around the four corners of Iran are collected and incorporated so their warp and whoops would show the realization of the Poem The warp and whoop of the world of possibility are entangled/ the one that makes a heart happy is the one who makes the whole world happy.
2- The English translation of this stanza is woven in the right and left margins of the carpet.
3- The heart which is called here is in the center of the carpet.
4- The picture of the heart is woven with three colors (red, dark blue and green) that are the colors of International Paralympic Committee. The future is woven in projected form, meaning that it contains one of the most significant messages of this artistic work that is explained in next chapters.
5- The circles around Citron which are designed and woven in same color as Olympic rings symbolize the five continents of the earth. There are two white colors inside and the background colors of Olympic and Para Olympic flags are around it. This color is the color of peace too. The total circles are seven that eludes the poem, Encircle the Kaaba of heat…
6- Yes, it is the assumption. In a world where people are disabled, become sick and handicap because of war, man slaughter, discrimination, destruction and injustice, there are the Olympic and para-olympic international committees that call people to freedom, peace, honesty and sincerity and once in four years, they prepare a great and glorious gathering. The Paralympic committee; too, in this world of misery and sadness, prepares the disabled and sick people to appear in the global festival of competitions and any handicap or disabled in any rank could receive a medal through good planning to give him a chance to touch and understand the most happy moment of his life. This is the most humanistic work in the world because making people happy is preventing them from finding shelter in isolation and loneliness. This committee grows dynamism and the feeling of acceptance in the soul of handicaps and disabled people and creates a great wave of We can do it attitude. For this reason, the picture of heart which is woven with the same colors as Paralympic flag colors is in the central point of the work to appreciate the selfless acts and deeds of good people.
7- Around the circles in the blue backgrounds, the words, God, Man, Ibrahim, Noah, David, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad are woven, to indicate the servants of God regardless of religions and thoughts are the orbits of Olympic and Paralympic that by benefiting from the charter and goals of the two committees, people show healthy human competitions. The blue background means that hope is the most essential, primary, but, deepest feeling in people, hope to becoming champion, hope of health, hope to friendship, hope to nobility, hope to peace, hope to heroic acts, hope to dynamic and healthy community, hope to…
8- The reversed side of the margins of the carpet-painting, like other works, contains a single message which is detecting, showing and preparing grounds for healthy competitions by proper placement of actor pieces, not only in the four corners of Iran, the margins figures belong to it, but also in the four corners of the world.
9- The meaning of the Qur’an verse, Truly the mention of name Allah …has a meaning that everybody understands. The heart of man becomes relieved only by the mention of the name of God because God _i!YecfWii_edWj[!WdZ!a_dZ$!J^[h[!Wh[!Ebocf_Y!WdZ!FWhWbocf_Y!Xkhd[hi!_d!j^[!jme!i_Z[i!e\!j^[!l[hi[$

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