Pure Iran Carpet

Pure Iran


strategy, approaches, performances and objectives, IR. Of Iran during years of establishment an interaction, association and collaboration of Iranians with the global community, particularly the UN and WHO in uprooting the ominous phenomena of addiction and narcotic trafficking around the world.

Side A:

Pure Iran Carpet (Side-A)
Pure Iran Carpet (Side-A)

1. I one corner of one side the carpet-painting, the texture of four margins differ from each other to point out that this work is not merely a message and thought of one person in a corner of Iran in the city of Rasht, where the carpet was woven, but it is in reality the message of all people of Iran. As the four margins belong to different parts of Iran (yes, carpet is an eastern genuine art that belongs to all Iran); and the thinker and creator of this work is a designer and weaver of carpet, and he is an Iranian with global thought.
2. The turnover of the four margins with chess board under them conveys this message to the mankind that all of us, people in any place of world and any ideology must accept and remember that unless there is no ground for healthy competitions and while each piece is not put in its place, there will be no games with just rules. Therefore, we should give us the curtains of lies, misunderstanding, selfishness and improper ambitions and be in our suitable places as an actor with respect to our potential and experiences to have suitable output.
3. A circle in five colors that moves across the carpet-painting, symbolizing the five rings of Olympic and symbol of the five continents. This five-color circle contains all the letters and pictures and shows a global thought that manifest itself in regional performance way.
4. The kaki color globe that is passing through the five contents with its innovational and unique internal pictures shows the alphabet of passing the addiction-stricken environment and reaching a healthy society. The combination and number of colors in this picture also reveal other concepts; the discovery of them depends on the alert thoughts of artistic tastes of visitors. The head of this encrypted figure is woven in the color of Iranian flag; showing that this carpet is woven n Iran. Its though, philosophy, artistic and sports conceptions, design and texture with its global message are all the creation of an Iranian who in addition to being a first class coach and referee with Dan-6 belt in Taekwondo martial and defensive arts with virtue improvements, like all Iranian is peace loving and wishes healthy and peaceful competitions among nations. The picture of two healthy and a disabled leg, one woven with five and the other with three colors imply Olympic and Paralympic games and there is no doubt that sport, no matter what type, is the most important preventive factor in most serial abnormalities and vulnerabilities; specially for preventing narcotic drugs abuse. In addition, as an Iranian idiom says, healthy mid dwells in healthy body and by power, man becomes righteous and by laziness, there will be bias and loss which are inferred by this carpet. There are ten colors used in this design that imply the ten sports in field running as well as the symbol of running as the mother of all sports. The white spots in the half of this kaki globe that are in front are unlike the black line which is in back show the above-mentioned point. With any motion based on the aforesaid, the black letters and pasts change into white and hopeful spots and this proper and good movement should be continued so much that at last, all dark lines and past become white points and lines.
5. The pictures that are present in pale and dark color background, including mosque, church, house, working place, private center, UN logo, scale in falling point, weapon, Olympic flag, Paralympic flag, patient and physician, WHO logo, governmental centers, living place, school, camera, satellite dish, TV and red letters with the theme of education, research, treatment, prevention and information…. Are subjects, centers, devices and assemblies that by using and employing deep mental and cultural work in them and short and long-term planning might be able to save the society from narcotic drugs and create a pure environment, dynamic and fresh society and happy and hardworking people that pursue goals with hope to future. This goal and approach should be employed in global level to leave its positive effects.
6. Now, there is the picture of earth in the center of carpet-painting and very important subjects engraved it. The downside red triangle and the letters in it indicate the reduction in narcotic drug demand and social damages resulting of narcotic drug is the wish and dream of both Iranian and world. The numbers, figures and pictures show the efforts, self-sacrifice and great activities of the I.R. of Iran in protecting, safeguarding, blocking and vigorous fight with the ugly inhumane narcotic traffickers. Iran is the shortest and low cost way of transiting narcotic drug to Europe and world. Iran and Pakistan have 1925 Klm water and sol borders and almost 85 percent of opium and 90 percent of morphine of the world are detected and discovered in this area. The annual costs of this campaign and social damages caused to the Iranian society because of narcotic drugs is around 10 thousand billion Tumans and so far, more than 11,100 Iranian forces and 3700 Basiji have been killed and martyred in this fight. Iran has taken efforts to expand international interactions in fighting narcotic drugs and is one of the pioneers of such plan. All those self-sacrifices, damages, hard works and costs are not only become a burden on the should of Iran as its compulsory, social, regional or global duty, but also, as the picture of Kaaba and capital of Iran – in the carpet- are linked by white spots that show the spiritual connection of Iranian and that holy place, also shows that Iran and Iranians because of their Islamic and religious upraising believe that harming and paralyzing creatures is an unforgivable sin. When they have this view about creatures, one can imagine Iranian’s view on damaging and harming man as the jewel of creatures, a dear creature that after his creation was complete, God ordered the angles to bow before him (yes, God named man the caliph of the earth).
7. As the name of this unique work is Pure Iran and the sacred and never-ending efforts of the I.R. of Iran shows, the strategy and long-term goal of Iran is to have a clean and pure land with pure and God seeking people. It wishes for a pure and clean world with pure people and in this respect, since its establishment to present and after that, it will help for having such world and will collaborate with the global society. The word UN is woven in the colors of Iranian flag, shows this collaboration and cooperation.
8. The year 2008 was named by UN as the world free from narcotic drugs or reduced drugs. For this reason, two broken and dried cannabis branches are hanging downward over the number 2008.
9. The white- flower with five petals woven between UN and 2008 in projected shape with green globe in its center is dream and hope for the five continents of the world for becoming, being and staying pure. Iran has paid great costs and has made self-sacrifices for reaching such world and will continue this path with the cooperation of UN. By careful watching, it could be seen that the map of Iran has green background and the connection points to Kaaba and number of kilometers are white. These two colors continue point to point until become a white and green flower, as described before and symbolize the wish, dreams and goals of Iran; that is, the purity of the five continents from narcotic drugs and other crisis.
10. There are two white pigeons that are woven in projected form and are flying. They say that one of them, me and you who are not narcotic addicted are able to fly in the blue sky of our dreams and help our dreams come true within our power. We should all try to work, one by one, with narcotic addicts and use those devices which are shown in this artistic work as an approach to free the addict from this diminishing, degrading and killing habit, help the rehabilitated person to fly in the blue sky of his dream and sing the song of life and victory.
11. The ten individuals, five male and five female are woven in the five colors of Olympic sign; that is, the symbol of continents, along with Iranian national flag that conveys the message that, Iran stretches its hands to the people of the five continents for working together towards making a pure society, free from narcotics and other crisis ( take our hands in kindness, free the body, soul and spirit), freedom from anything that damage the dignity of man.
12. In this side of the carpet-painting, the composition of colors and their placement convey special messages that must not be explained so the viewer could find out the concepts and make his own inferential ideas and interpretation as per his knowledge and understanding.

Side B:

Pure Iran Carpet (Side-B)
Pure Iran Carpet (Side-B)

1- Let’s start from the middle, where the beautiful earth is trapped in black chains. This is entrapment and captivity in the four global crises, and one of them is narcotic drugs that are sweeping through the world regardless of borders, race, geography, gender, financial status, age and nationality. By expansion of such unleashed crisis, men have become powerless and the wheels of social and civilization activities would stop rolling. Now, if the other three crises are added (nuclear and mass destruction weapons, population growth and poverty and environment), a sad and tragic future will be awaiting mankind. The very mankind that has reached the modern civilization by taking great efforts, passing several centuries and paying uncountable costs and expenses. Now, mankind should not see himself helpless and unable before such crisis; on the contrary, he should gather all strength and fight this ominous and global destructive crisis by all his might and through cultural, controlling, medical, regional and global activities and endeavors. If mankind fails in doing so, this grave crisis would destroy both us and other societies. Therefore, let’s as the dimensions of this carpet painting is 110 (the name of Ali in numbers code) x 109cm, and as the sacred name of our Imam Ali asks us and we have repeated it so many times (We utter his name Ali and love was flamed), we should call the name Ali and by taking actions and strategies and tactics mentioned before, continue our fight against addiction as both God and Ali help us.
2- Dear friends, usually, no explanations are given on the work by mystic people. But, since this artistic and unique work is much more conceptual and complicated than all artistic work and is an innovative piece, with due respect to all dear viewers I have tried to give explanations and I hope the viewers and visitors will catch the messages by their deep view, patients and contemplation in order to hear the alarm of the four crisis mentioned before and prevent greater tragedy by cooperation and collaboration.

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