War and Peace Carpet

War and Peace

War and Peace is the most magnificent two-sided carpet in the world; its weaving has taken about two years from the stage of the conception of idea to the stage of executing its design and pattern.

One side of the qaliche (small rug) is devoted to global Peace and Construction with a design by the Japanese company Kumatsu and the other side shows war and destruction with global dimensions.

The Peace Side:

War and Peace Carpet (Peace Side)
War and Peace Carpet (Peace Side)

1- Chequered borders and five linked circles imply a call for creative and constructive minds from the four corners of the world to come together and struggle for the promotion of thoughts on the way to the construction of life in its global dimensions; as such it has all the manifestations of construction combined within itself. The line at the top of the qaliche reads:

The prophet said there is no friend more faithful than actions on the way.

The lines simply that nothing in this vast world is more effective and more faithful than actions, actions for the construction of the world.

2- The two green letters UN on the left of the qaliche point to the fact that construction is possible and made usable to all people on this globe of dust through a strong and impartial United Nations.

The War Side:

War and Peace Carpet (War Side)
War and Peace Carpet (War Side)

1- The monster in the middle shows the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima and Nakazaki which burned literally everything. The explosion is going to obliterate the light of the sun giving life to the creatures on earth.  With that, of course, it entangles nature and the life environment in the chains of imprisonment and destruction.

2- There are no chequered borders in the corners; the borders are dark implying that everything works to destroy and obliterate dynamic and constructive thoughts.

3- The white belt with stars inside it by the sides of qaliche enlivens hope for peace.

4- The two five-colored question marks is indicative of the five continents whose people cry out, “why? why? why”

5- The writing at the bottom of the qaliche written in gray ground shows that 1945 is a gray and sorrowful year for the green Nakazaki and all humanity. All human- beings hope that such bitter tragedy will never happen again.

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