Civilization & Barbarism Carpet

Civilization and Barbarism

Civilization Side

Civilization & Barbarism Carpet- Civilization Side
Civilization & Barbarism Carpet- Civilization Side

1- In the Carpet Center, the course of civilizations and cultures discourse, the thinkers and artists are pictured with a symbol of Citron, one of the famous figures of Iran, chess and book. It means that one should give way to thought and place in the center of any object so the light of knowledge and understanding would always shine.
2- 2- On the upper top corner, the image of music arts are shown.
3- In the upper left corner, the picture of primary arts is shown.
4- On the right below corner, the global logo of the deaf is woven; that is, for the civilizations discourse in the society, there must be ears to hear to have the results. The interesting point is that the artist designer and the weaver, despite the deafness, he has heard and pictured the discourse and talks of civilizations.

5- In the lower left corner, symbols of theater and cinema arts are pictured. Camera and images of Charles Chaplin, that is the hat, cane, shoes, bow tie, and the positive and negative images inside the camera show that artists should image all positive and negative aspects of the society in full freedom so the humanity could plan a better life.
The red mask symbolizes individuals who just keep their figures but no one is aware of their inner rage.
The blue mask symbolizes having hoped that artists should reflect all realities free from fear.
The white mask symbolizes that there are many individuals that have bright figures but inside, their heart is crying blood
6- In the right side of the carpet- painting, Olympic sign, one of the biggest symbols of human civilization is woven in which, all colors are combined and it means that humankind should have sound and healthy competitions beyond religion, nationality, race, geography and color of skin to achieve prosperity (a goal that is pursued in Olympic Charter).
In this design, the symbol field running, as the mother of all sports is woven with different colors that recites The children of humanity are each other’s limbs”

“That shares an origin in their creator” / That shares an origin in their creator” That is, red, white, black…have no meanings in isolation. A separate leg is woven in side of the field running, meaning that movement should not be in one side and beyond that, it the symbol of the para-sport. The top of field running is woven with the same colors as flag of Iran; that is, thought, philosophy and design. This movement and symbol is for an Iranian that contains a great philosophy. It is a code or international term and sports subject with 5000 USD price for discovering it.
On the top and below the sports movement images, there are two pictures in Kaki meaning, dust to dust, ash to ash.
7- Around Olympic flag, the negatives are trapped and the positives are free; that is, if mankind can implement the goals of Olympic as they are, the negatives, no matter where they are, become restricted, not by hostility, but with peace in a sheet of white color; and the five-petal flower in projected figure shows hope to peace in the five continents.
8- In the left side of the carpet picture, the signs of ancient civilizations are shown; that is, mankind should not boastful on the buildings, columns and historical monuments (As if your father was a wise man, what gain is for you of his wisdom?); rather, by benefiting and taking lessons from the history, a new civilization is created that would make man proud. The poems that are woven in this ground go back to civilizations theme (I founded a tall palace of poem, the mansion that would suffer no pain of winds or storms); and, (I will never die and I shall live forever, as I have spread the seed of (Persian) word.) That is the buildings made by human will be destroyed, but thought and idea will stay forever. The pyramids of Egypt, the Coliseum building of Italy, the great wall of China, Acropolis of Greek and monuments of Iranian civilization that are all signs of ancient civilizations and it is known to the whole world that there was the national Gate in Pasargad and the first charter of the Human Rights of nations was created by the Great Cyrus and was introduced to the world.
9- In the margins of right side of carpet that are surrounded by the chess pieces and grounds, the term of Maturity of Civilizations is woven in English letters.
10- In the margins of left hand of the carpet that are enclave by chess pieces and grounds, the terms peace and construction are written in English and by words jumbling, the word UN is made as the abbreviation of the United Nations Organization and is woven in the green color. That is, all those civilizations and the future civilizations, under the shelter of the United Nation, would stay united, neutral with durability and possibility of development to be used by people of earth.
11- On top, below the Iranian flag, the poem Cultivate the tree of friendship to fulfill the desire of your heart- uproot the enmity weed as it brings nothing than sorrow and mischief is woven. This could be one of the main mottoes for reaching a better society.
12- The Qur’an verse says, “Man achieves nothing unless by hard work and effort), if those efforts are with goodness, the reward will be good; vise-versa. On top of the holy verse, the symbol of Ahura Mazda, the symbol of monism of Iranian and on top of it, the name God is woven.
13- On the four corners of the carpet-painting with reversed margins show that the plan of civilizations discourse could be a good excuse and ground to push aside the curtains and creating grounds for healthy mental competitions free from any hypocrisy; or in a better words, a ground should be provided in the four corners of the world for directing thought in line with creating and keeping the civilization and making better use of it.
14- On the top, the symbolic figure of civilization and construction in the world is woven with this beautiful motto (life is what we build). This figure is being inspired from the figure introduced by Komatsu Japan Company and since its message and motto is global and belongs to the whole world, I wove it in the carpet exquisitely to announce to the world that Iran is an ancient nation that had shares in the humankind civilization and respects all who try to make a better and more reasonable life for humanity.
15- On the foot of the carpet, the symbol of the greatest civilization of west (Toronto in Canada) is woven close to the one of the greatest eastern civilizations (Taj Mahal in India); that means communication of east and west to reach peace and understanding.
16- On the top of Toronto famous tower, a set of numbers are woven in form of Olympic rings as a sign of the five continents; because Canada is the land of immigrants and people of different continents have gathered there and made a great civilization. This convergence could be a model for humanity. That is, wherever people are they should benefit from the positive thoughts and capitals of each other to reach such civilizations and keep them with sympathy. The projection of tower peak from a certain limit means that knowledge, science and human episteme has no limitations.
17- The chess board and pieces are woven in the carpet to show that if any society in the world, each piece is placed in its place according to its qualification, science and specialization, humanity will never experience surpassing, misery and mischief. For this reason, 1/4th of the chess board is woven in each corner and the whole board is woven in the middle to show that man’s thoughts and insight should not be separated and isolated and everything must be in its own place. If such thought is implemented in the society, the light of knowledge, science and civilization will be illuminating forever; and the symbol of sun on the center top of the book implies this idea.
18- The four different margins woven in the four corners of the carpet painting belong to the four corners of Iran and means that the message of this carpet-painting is not the message of an individual to the world, but the message of all people in the country of Iran to the world.

The Barbarism Side

Civilization & Barbarism Carpet- Barbarism Side
Civilization & Barbarism Carpet- Barbarism Side

1- In the foot of the carpet, red color is the sign of blood because in the 2000 years of history, peace, honesty and whiteness was always falling down and darkness was always going up. Below the question marks in two colors, the blood drops are woven. The drops will be gathered and make sea; that is blood + blood= sea of blood. The exclamation mark is to show wondering what humanity wants to achieve from so much bloodshed and what is it seeking?
2- The alarm bell shows that although it has been 2000 years since alarms are on, still the sound is not heard by mankind and the bloodshed continues?
3- In the center of the carpet, there is a picture of earth with five question marks of five colors that show the questions of people of the five continents; asking, why bloodshed, why destruction, while massacre…?
4- 2000+ 1= ? ? Means that mankind does not expect the year 2001 be associated with bloodshed and war; instead, it hopes that the year 2001 will be the year of arrival into the green world of friendships and joys.
5- In the left side of carpet-painting, the signs of men’s defeats against diseases, addictions, propagating the culture of handcuff, jail, discrimination…and the alarm bell woven in five colors show the danger of expansion of these events in the five continents of the world, with five question marks in five colors where the golden question is entrapped in spider web, showing lack of attention and desertion of numerous questions of people on the issue of addiction. The footprints that are woven in five different colors show the penetration of these ominous phenomena into the five continents; that unfortunately, in the 21st century too, people have been unable to prevent or uproot it. In the center, the figure of the picture of a man who is leaning over another person. This picture wants to say that in the society of people, the weak and needy have to rely on stronger people and if it is not so, there will be no hope to improve the chaotic and abnormal situation. In addition, the shrink picture of earth, half of it in darkness and ignorance and half of it is healthy is a question that if there is a person in the world that wishes the destruction of the darkness in the other half of the earth, or wishes for the betterment of the other half of the earth. Thus, we all must gather our strengths to wipe out the earth from pollutions and contamination because (if we made the pain, we should make the cure); and there are other items that could be found out by deep view into the pictures.
6- On the right side of the carpet-painting, there are signs of barbarism, war and bloodshed. Horse, this noble animal is suffering from cruelty. Man; too, abused this noble animal and has attacked earth with spears. No heads are woven for cavaliers so in the contexts of civilizations discourse and peace, no specific mark is made to any nationality to save them from hard feelings and fights. On the other hand, a spear has hit the cavalier too that means there are always powerful people behind the curtain and in backstage that cause war and bloodshed with no regards to humanity and they should be addressed as, You who care nothing about other people’s suffering, you are not worthy of the name “human”.
7- Below, there are pictures of horses with bloody legs as stained by man and horses’ blood, as remained in the history to be lessons for the modern men.
8- The chess ground and human skulls in margins of carpet shows that if the warlike thought dominates, the grounds for competitions become tighter and will be limited to a continuous black or white line in which, there is no place and limits for any person and the grounds of death, vanishing and destruction will be created.
9- And this is the biggest barbaric device of man, atomic bomb (nuclear weapons) that are woven on top of the carpet-painting, showing that they destroy everything with radiations and this is the fear of modern man, the fear of nuclear weapons development.
10- The pictures show that nature and environment are entrapped in destruction chain and atomic radiation tries to destroy everything.
11- The chain that is abundant across the carpet and covered earth too is because beautiful and livelihood colors are not free to perform their act and go around (the same freedom that in the Civilization side of the carpet-painting created beauties through artistic composition of colors).
12- The blue ground after the bomb with the poem in it (let’s spread flowers and pour wine in the cups- let’s break the ceiling of heaven and make a new picture) revives hopes in hearts, hope that human beings gather around and stay away from war and barbarism; hope for people live in peace and friendship and the sky of hopes and beautiful dreams of mankind become more blue.
13- But, the big question which is woven in the center of the carpet-painting in five colors is the question of people of the five contents, asking, why war, why destruction, why demolishing, why addiction, why AIDS, why captivity, why…? Because of its importance, it was repeated in the biography twice.
14- And tens of other subjects that must be said and written in another time and by writing a pictorial book on the carpet-painting of Civilization and Barbarism.

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