Religion & Prophets Carpet

Religion and Prophets

The side with picture of Medina City

Religion & Prophets Carpet (Medina Side)
Religion & Prophets Carpet (Medina Side)

The chess board margins show that in any conditions and places, first, the grounds of social competitions must reach a relative balance and one must prevent going to extremes and this is possible only by pushing aside the margins under which, the holy names of the four prophets with books are written and we must believe that the only way of salvation is to tie ourselves to the divine rope through understanding the commands of prophets and acting in their accords; otherwise, man would receive nothing than diminishing, suffering, mental and psychological sorrows and unhappiness.
• The picture of Masjed Nabi, the mausoleum of the great prophet of Islam, the last prophets with books, with t^[!^eby number of five.
• The picture of Al- Baqi’ cemetery, the forlorn and deserted cemetery, the symbol of being strangers among their people and the loneliness of the Shiite Imams
• The right and left hand writings in different colors in Persian and English Languages, as the message of all prophets with holy books and following their commands might realize the poem into reality: Let’s embrace humanity, let’s fill the world with peace and friendship.
Yes, it is possible to achieve peace, as the white-petal flower in projected form shows. It is true that there were five prophet with books, but they like one figure, one scent and one color and the messages of the five for the people of the five continents was nothing that peace, brotherhood and honesty, nothing else.
• The beautiful margins and single color of Iranian carpet shows that this carpet-painting is created with the warp and whoop of Iranian carpet and is made by an Iranian artist, with the most important symbol of the country, the Iranian flag that shows itself on top of carpet-painting.

The side with picture of Holy Kaaba

Religion & Prophets CarpReligion & Prophets Carpet (Kaaba Side)et (Medina Side)
Religion & Prophets Carpet (Kaaba Side)

By connection of the warp and whoop of the carpet and a composition of painting and writing that encourage man to think and contemplate, giving meaning to this global poem: “Circle the Kaaba of your heart, if you have a heart- Heat is the Kaaba of understanding, what else could you, my flower, think? “
That is, first, we should do our human duties with love, interests and wholeheartedly and never cause suffering even a single person. When we are filled with this accomplishment, we then can fly on the wing of birds of compassion to Kaaba to visit the true Lord. With respect to the hard exercises we had made in performing our human duties, and we always acted with honesty, we will present in His court in Kaaba with a heart free from any impurities and realize our dream; otherwise, we are just an uninvited guest with no place there. That is, inside the Kaaba, there will be no divine safety for us even if our body is presented there. (Kaaba was built by Ibrahim, but heart is made by the God of Ibrahim, the Omnipotent and Great Lord).
There are seven stanzas of a poem, titled “The story of seven will be but a long story” is woven in the left side of the carpet. The designer and weaver artist, with his passionate taste and ideology, and his pure heart and intention composed that poem. If it is carefully examined, (the poem) will reveal the things which exist on earth, in heaven, religions, love and compassion, color and colorlessness, books and teachings, patience, trust to God…to achieving perfection and distinguishing right from wrong. A book in few volumes could be written based on (that poem) and a world could be revealed.

• The ascendance of man from dust to the heavens in seven steps show that if individuals truly understand the meaning of haj (Mecca Pilgrimage), by each circling around the Kaaba, they become one step closer to ascendance and cutting off the materialistic attachment to earth. They then make a path through Mecca pilgrimage and circling the Kaaba to go to heavens; otherwise, they will be no more than a camel that goes round and round in a mill without knowing that there is no end to those circling and they gain nothing.
• The image of stars that are on the ceiling of three sacred houses- as also called in Qur’an- show a great subject. The number of stars and being positive in positive with the highest star which is woven like a multiplication sign on the top point and a little above with number 1000 helps us to discover the number of prophets, 124000 and number of (Shiite) saints, 14. Yes, all of these show that if one “Focus all thought on point , point- To uplift the mountains and penetrate in secrets” as the artist designer and weaver has composed and woven on top of his carpet, one will be able to ascent to greatest.
• Yes, it is true that without concentration and focus, one not only fails in perceiving the concepts of such a unique piece of art, he even might pass with a shallow view with no thoughts (we wish it never happens).
• Below the number “thousand” and inside the star ceiling, there are different figures in shape of colorful triangles with a scale on top and all of them are mounted on one arrow, showing a great thought ad philosophy with the code that if it is discovered, by revealing its inside will put the world in wonder. In such a world, the messages of all divine prophets will be discovered; the same message that all prophets and noble men of religion came for conveying it sacrificed them for it and left humanity with honor. Now, it is our turn to find the lost one.
• There are also numbers starting from 5, ending to 124000. With hundreds of hours thinking, this figure was found and it is the shortest way in knowing the place of divine prophets. There are two red question marks in the beginning and at the end that ask important questions with a color which is conventionally an alarm color.
• The holy verse of Qur’an, “Tell the follower of the holy books…” was chosen because it is the most uniting verse among all religions that shows the Only God from the viewpoint of all divine religions with greatest beauty and elegance, leaving no doubt in any person’s heart.
• Now, the chess margin of carpet-painting: This margin with its special figure has few messages:
• Now, the chess arrangement of the carpet-painting: This margin, with its special figure conveys few messages:
1- All boxes of the chess are cubic and square shape meaning: World is like chess pieces, it is lifted to be put down and the matter that all religions recommended taking away from materialistic attachments.
2- The second message is that although man is the jewel of creatures, the modern man, because of not following the divine teachings as reached to them by great prophets, has lowered his position and has lost his jejunity and originality in the unhealthy conditions in the chess board of life; and in his close competitions, he rejects others, going close to the cliff of destruction and ruins. There is only one way to prevent it and it is, to be brave enough and as the margins reversing show, along with others in the four corners of the world, man should push the curtains aside and turn to the divine books, use their teachings and do not allow the unhealthy conditions of worldly competitions surrounded him like a spider web because if it happens, this poem becomes true: Like a worm hidden in caterpillar, it thinks the whole world is what it sees. But world is much bigger than that.
• Therefore, before it is too late, one should follow the five prophets with books, with the five white pigeons that symbolize them in projected woven form, and detach from the mud and fly to the God as the light of heavens and earth. Let’s keep this window open all the type.
This is the explanations on the Kaaba side; although it does not include the whole matter because in artistic and figurative concerns and keeping the value and heaviness of the work, its durability and overall value, respecting the maintenance of artists and art fans places, and all who visit the carpet-painting of Religion and Prophets, or those who read the ID. Card and biography of the carpet-painting, and to encourage all these dear friends to think and contemplate on the meanings and artistic concepts, as they want to imply, it is best to withdraw from explaining everything by the designer and weaver in order to enable the visitors and viewers to interpret, explain, understand and infer the carpet contents freely. As it is said by great men, the spirit of arts seeking exists in all people in different shapes. In conclusion, to close with a good word, I would like to quote from Imam Jafar Sadegh:
Your secret is like your blood; keep it in your body.

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